A Triumphant Return?

Can you believe that it’s been nearly four months since my last post?

I really can’t, honestly, but I suppose the fact that it took me five minutes and umpteen attempts to access my wordpress account can attest to the dry spell. I’ve missed blogging, missed sharing my thoughts and some of the many outfits I put together throughout my time in Second Life. No doubt some of you know that it’s been a busy time for me; my nephew is HUGE now (proud auntie pictures on my flickr page) and nearly seven months old! I’ve moved from my tiny apartment to a much-less-tiny townhouse across town and I’m loving all the extra space (and a computer in my bedroom, thank you very much!). With Thanksgiving approaching, I’m looking forward to cooking a massive meal for my family and having enough actual counter space to do it. Do you remember my post about Awesome Breed Creations (ABC) Horses? I’m working for them now as their official Clerk of Course, which means practically nothing to you, I’m sure, but it’s a marvelous honour. If you’re interested in racing horses in SL (or waiting for jousting events to begin like the rest of us), you should come check us out sometime. 🙂

Okay, okay. “ENOUGH!” you say.  Shall we talk about clothes?

Arrival Full 600

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