The Miracle Business

Yep, it’s time for some more CHOP ZUEY GOODNESS!

I’d hoped to have another three outfits for you by tonight but, gosh, it’s been crazy around here. Moving boxes, bringing in new furniture (from my gram’s 😦 ), and sleeping an hour or two at a time is finally beginning to take its toll. It’s a good thing I knew exactly what to do with this jewelry set, hmm?

(A lovely shot of the submarine at Japan Tempura’s sim awaits you here!) Continue reading

Confessions of a Former Band Geek

Music is my solace. Harmony, my heart. Certain chord progressions make me weak, or enraged, or giddy, or .. anything, really, because at a very basic level, music is feeling. It sinks into you, sometimes, and becomes part of who you are and how you see the world.

What I’m trying to say here, I suppose, is that there are some songs that you never forget or, specifically, that I will never forget. When other girls were listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers and Destiny’s Child, I’m slightly embarassed to admit that I spent my high school years obsessing over Dmitri Shostakovich’s fourth ballet suite and, of course, I knew every note in the Phantom of the Opera. One of my favourite CDs of all time, though, was Colm Wilkinson’s Stage Heroes, and the first track on THAT was his version of ‘I, Don Quixote.’

Listen to it sometime – you won’t regret it.

Now. The point of this confession is to provide a bit of context when I say that .. I am absolutely in LOVE with Chop Zuey‘s new Don Quixote Collection!

(Phew, that was a lot of text. Bring on the pictures!) Continue reading

Welcome to Wherever You Are

You know? The world can be a funny place. Whether you believe in a god or not, whether you believe in fate or destiny or belong to Team Free Will, you have to admit that the universe has a fantastic sense of humour and, more often than we like, irony.

It occurred to me this morning that it’s so easy to talk about strength of character when things are good. Life isn’t perfect but I don’t believe it’s supposed to be; we can’t enjoy the good times to their fullest if we’ve never been truly down. It’s harder to appreciate love without loss to show us how important it really is. We don’t realize how annoying a split infinitive can be until someone demonstrates a sentence constructed in the proper way. Ahem.

(The world is a big, wonderful place. Check out an extra slice of mine in this shot.) Continue reading

Sunshine (or Love all of me, pt. 2)

It’s been a really long time since I wrote about the issues I face every day.

My first (and only) post on the subject, Love all of me, was written in January of this year, nearly eight months ago to the day. I’m pleased to say that I’m making excellent progress; it’s important to focus on the positive, first and foremost, no matter how much work lies ahead. There have been difficult times. Devastating losses. My grandmother, whom I had been caring for 24 hours a day since April, passed away on July 27th, the very morning I’d planned to visit her in hospice. Many of my family and friends still struggle to understand my condition. For those of you who have yet to read through my ramblings here, I should say that I live with severe anxiety, hypersensitivity, and agoraphobia. I am paranoid and have struggled with depression for many years.

(Let’s have a pretty picture now, hmm? Don’t worry, it gets better!) Continue reading

~ Butterfly ~

One of my fondest memories, and not a word of a lie here, took place in Niagara Falls a few years ago. I was visiting the Butterfly Conservatory with a friend and, while we were sitting and just enjoying the sights, these beautiful creatures began to come closer and closer until one, a brave beastie for sure, landed on my lovely flowy purple skirt. After a few breathless seconds I coaxed it onto my finger and, feeling like a Disney princess, lifted my hand to eye-level so I could smile at it. The picture we took is pretty awful but the memory remains crystal clear.

Needless to say, I have a serious love of butterflies. They appeal to a gentler side of me; the side that loves fluttery skirts and bare toes wiggling. They epitomize feminine delicacy and the sort of care we all take when we beautify ourselves (mostly) every day. Continue reading

Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’!

Wow, okay, so I’m on a roll again! This is .. *counts* .. my SEVENTH post in a week and I hope you’re having as much fun reading my blog as I am writing and sharing some of my favourite fashion finds with you.

It’s probably pretty clear that I’m on a {mon tissu} kick right now (how not, with the Mon Tissu Blogger Search in full swing) but statistically it was bound to happen anyway. As anyone who knows me and sees me more than once a week knows, I wear this label ALL the time and today’s fantastic slouchy sweatshirt is no exception. I rarely wear black but when I do, I love dressing it up with metallic accents (like the Amorous Luna belt and these rocking accessories from MANDALA) – bonus points are also awarded for contrasting textures like velour, lace, and leather.

Something I read in Caoimhe Lionheart’s blog the other day absolutely struck a chord with me. For brevity’s sake, I’ll just go ahead and paste it at you: Continue reading

Portia’s Closet ~ Take Flight

You know? It’s funny .. these closet posts are supposed to be quick and easy. The location isn’t going to change. I have a fully loaded pose stand beneath the floor. I use my default windlight (*Starley* settings 2, ftw) and regular grapics without shadows or lighting or anything. In reality, I should spend more time putting outfits together than taking the shot itself, right?

Maybe it’s just late and I need to get this knocked out and SLEEP!

Continue reading